Deadpool Review – About Time for the Chimichangas

Although I was always a comic book geek, DC held my interest more than Marvel. I never got into the X-men universe (other than the 90’s animated series), so I wasn’t really familiar with Deadpool as a character. I saw the first on-screen interpretation in X-men Origins: Wolverine. It was not good.

Deadpool-Screengrab7Then, word started to spread on the internet that Ryan Reynolds had this plan to put together a Deadpool movie that would be balls out, and rated “R” like the character should be. I started digging around, and realized that the character was an ultra-violent, vulgar, fourth-wall breaking maniac. I was skeptical as to whether the studio would let that happen.

Holy shit, guys, they did.

As I explained to a friend, for a super hero movie, it had a lot more cursing, masturbation, anal sex, and nudity than I was expecting, but it was amazing. I feared this was a movie where all the best parts would be in the trailer – that fear was unfounded. Straight out of the self-effacing credits, the movie skewers the Marvel/X-men movie mold with balls-to-the-wall action, clear character motivations, and fun. Indeed, Deadpool is the antithesis to the darkness that Warner Bros. seems to be establishing for its movie universe.

There was lots of talk before this came out about how this movie was low budget. It really doesn’t show. The action pieces are insane, and the visual effects are outstanding. Oh, and the humor is right up my disgusting, teenager trapped in a man’s body mentality. I laughed out loud on multiple occasions (not just when Deadpool makes fun of the cinematic abortion that was the Green Lantern movie or the real Australian dream, Hugh Jackman).

The post-credit scene, teasing (1) a sequel, and (2) Cable, left me wanting more. I’m going to try and fill that with the deleted scenes and the gag real once the Blu Ray comes out. But, this movie shows that there is definitely room in the movie world for different takes on these characters. They can be outrageous and fun, but there still has to be a story, and the story has to stay true to the characters’ original motivations (Note for DC – please do that when Batman v. Superman comes out in a few weeks. PLEASE!!!!).


She Says: A movie that was coming out right around Valentine’s Day that both He and I could enjoy. I was excited, and this movie did not disappoint. He did warn me about the adult rating for Deadpool and I was more than prepared for the violence and vulgarity. I laughed more than I thought I would, and although we can NEVER watch this movie outside on our deck, I will enjoy watching it again when it comes out on DVD. Should He and I start celebrating International Women’s Day?